For those of you following this civil suit you might recall that it started on June 10, 2008 and on Jan 13, 2009 this matter was scheduled for arbitration May 12, 2009 at 9:30 a.m., at the law office of Hutto and Bodiford in Panama City, Florida. The attorney for Nautilus Cove Condominium is Steven Applebaum who had insisted that the matter go to arbitration and initially they had agreed to the arbitration date.
In the latest nonsense from attorney Applebaum, he writes in part: "I cannot agree to the arbitration that is presently scheduled for May 12, 2009, in the above referenced matter. My assistant scheduled the arbitration date without my knowledge and I have just been made aware of said date . . . my client will not be attending the arbitration . . . and I ask that it be cancelled. In any event my client will not be bound by any decision made at arbitration if you intend to move forward with the arbitration."
Total costs to date are estimated at $25,000 and per florida law the loser pays the winners costs and fees. That means 'when' I win, you, the other condo owners at NCC will pay my all costs as well as the costs of the NCC attorney.
All this was entirely unnecessary if the developer controlled BOD had acted on my 9+ months of complaints about Waterstones' renter using the condos as a dorm for foreign workers. This same Waterstone is now in foreclosure for these 4 condos and owe the BOD over $5,600 in unpaid assessments.
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